Compact Display Engine Optics for Smart Glasses

Hendrik Haerter, the editor for technology trends at ELEKTRONIKPRAXIS, invited our CEO, Peter Weigand, to write an article on displays for smart glasses.

DR. Peter Weigand TriLite CEO

In the article, Peter discusses why compact and lightweight displays are needed for smart glasses for augmented reality (AR), how they need to produce a bright, high-quality image and the key role played by software in differentiating Trixel® 3 from the more common hardware-only systems.

You can also find out how TriLite’s ultra-compact laser beam scanner (LBS) is making this all possible – and enabling consumer mass adoption of a new wave of light, affordable AR glasses.

You can read the full article here (in English):
Compact Display Engine Optics for Smart Glasses

and for German-speaking readers:
RGB-Laserscanner mit Mikrolinsen passt in jede Alltagsbrille

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